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sama rice recipe, vrat ke chawal, samvat rice pulao
Sama Rice Pulao – Filling food made with sama ke chawal and vegetables to conquer your hunger while you are fasting. Veg Recipe, Indian Vegetarian recipe


sama rice recipe, vrat ke chawal, samvat rice pulao

Samvat rice pulao made with samvat or sama rice and vegetables. It is one of the recipes that one can have while fasting for Navratri or Ekadashi. It is a no onion no garlic dish.

With Navratri hitting next month, I am sharing fasting recipe of delicious yet simple vrat ke chawal ka pulao recipe

Samvat rice is called with various names like vrat ke chawal, sama rice, Kuthiravali in Tamil, Udalu in Telugu. An interestingly is does not belongs to rice family. It comes under millet and known as barnyard millet in English.


Samvat Pulao – Vrat ke chawal ka pulao Recipe
Prep time:
Cook time:
Total time:
  • Sama / samvat rice / vrat ke chawal / barnyard millet – 1 cup
  • Carrots – 1/2 cup, finely chopped
  • Beans – 1/2 cup, finely chopped
  • Yellow bell pepper – 1 cup, finely chopped
  • Ginger – 1 tsp, finely chopped
  • Fresh curry leaves – 10 to 12
  • Green chillis – 1 or 2, finely chopped
  • Cumin seeds – 1 tsp
  • Cinnamon – 1 small piece (1/2 inch)
  • Cloves – 2 to 3
  • Water – 1 and 1/2 cup
  • Sendha namak – to taste
  • Oil – 1 tbsp
  1. For making sama chawal for fasting, we will start with boiling sama or samvat rice.
  2. In a pan heat water. Just before boiling point of water add samvat rice and sendha namak to taste. Stir.
  3. Bring it to boil and then keep on simmer till the moisture evaporates and chawal becomes soft. Remove from gas and keep aside.
  4. Heat oil in pan.
  5. Add cumin seeds, small piece of cinnamon, 2 to 3 cloves. Saute till it become fragrant.
  6. Lower the flame and add finely chopped ginger to the oil. Saute for 1-2 minutes.
  7. Now, add fresh curry leaves and chopped green chillis. Saute for a minute on low flame.
  8. Add finely chopped carrots, beans, yellow bell pepper. Mix well. You can also add capsicum, chopped dry fruits.
  9. Cook for 5 to 8 minutes on medium flame and sprinkle sendha namak over the veggies and mix well.
  10. Take the boiled sama rice and add to the pan. Before adding sama ke chawal to the pan you may need to lightly mash them with hands as it tend to become thick.
  11. Mix well.
  12. Cover the pan with lid and let it simmer for 5 more minutes.
  13. Serve Sama rice pulao with curd or plain.
Serving size: 2 to 3

How to make sama or samvat vegetable rice pulao:

Step by step recipe of veg Pulao of Samvat rice or vrat ke chawal with pictures:

1. For making sama chawal for fasting, we will start with boiling sama or samvat rice.

2. In a pan heat water. Just before boiling point of water add samvat rice and sendha namak to taste. Stir.

3. Bring it to boil and then keep on simmer till the moisture evaporates and chawal becomes soft. Remove from gas and keep aside.
boiled sama (samvat) vrat rice


4. Heat oil in pan.

5. Add cumin seeds, small piece of cinnamon, 2 to 3 cloves. Saute till it become fragrant.add oil, jeera, dalchini in vrat pulao


6. Lower the flame and add finely chopped ginger to the oil. Saute for 1-2 minutes.
add laung, cumin, ginger for making vrat pulao


7. Now, add fresh curry leaves and chopped green chillis. Saute for a minute on low flame.
add green chilli and curry leaves for fast (vrat) pulao recipe


8. Add finely chopped carrots, beans, yellow bell pepper. Mix well. You can also add capsicum, chopped dry fruits.
add vegetables for making samvat vrat pulao


9. Cook for 5 to 8 minutes on medium flame and sprinkle sendha namak over the veggies and mix well.
add saltin sama chawal vrat pulao recipe


10. Take the boiled sama rice and add to the pan. Before adding sama ke chawal to the pan you may need to lightly mash them with hands as it tend to become thick.
add boiled samvat rice in vrat pulao


11. Mix well.

12. Cover the pan with lid and let it simmer for 5 more minutes.
mix sama rice vrat pulao


13. Serve Sama rice pulao with curd or plain.
sama rice recipe, vrat ke chawal, samvat rice pulao

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