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sapota shake recipe, sapota milkshake, sapota recipe
Chickoo (sapota) Milkshake – Relish the yummy and delicious taste of chiku. Veg Recipe, Indian Vegetarian recipe

To beat the heat this summer , include chickoo milkshake in your diet. Full of health chiku milkshake is very good for health and it’s tempting taste can’t be ignored.

In chiku shake, as per your taste you can alter the quantity of sugar or you can skip it. Here i have used 1 tsp sugar with no ice. You can add vanilla ice-cream to it if you want to.

You can also try more milkshake like
Papaya Milkshake
Strawberry Milkshake

Sharing this wonderful recipe with you. Enjoy this wonderful drink with your loved ones.

Chikoo Milkshake Recipe | chiku shake | How to make Chickoo Shake
Prep time:
Total time:
  • Chickoo / sapota – 6 to 7
  • Milk – 2 cups
  • Sugar – if required
  • Ice Cubes – 3 to 4 (optional)
  • Chopped Pista – 1 tsp (for garnishing)
  1. Rinse the chickoo and peel off them. Cut into pieces.
  2. In a blender, add pieces of chickoo (and sugar if needed, as chickoo is a sweet fruit).
  3. Blend chickoo to a smooth paste.
  4. Add milk to it and again blend. You can also add crushed ice to it.
  5. Pour in serving glasses and serve immediately.
Serving size: 2
1. Serve immediately as the chickoo starts settling down. [br]2. Add sugar if required as chickoo itself is a sweet fruit.

How to make Chicku (Sapota) Milkshake:

Step by Step Guide:

1. Rinse the chickoo and peel off them. Cut into pieces.sapota, sapota pieces image


2. In a blender, add pieces of chickoo (and sugar if needed, as chickoo is a sweet fruit).sapota, sugar and milk blend

3.Blend chickoo to a smooth paste.

4. Add milk to it and again blend. You can also add crushed ice to it.

5. Pour in serving glasses and serve immediately.sapota shake recipe, sapota milkshake, sapota recipe


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